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How to become our fellow?
1) have the doctoral degree;
2) have certain experience in teaching, research, and guiding students;
3) 5 representative papers/books;
4) have very close cooperation with the IETI Romanian Society;
5) recommended by 2 IETI Fellows or IETI-RS Fellows.
This organisation does not involve any monetary benefit and the fellowships are honary.
Honorary President of FIETI-RS
Acad. Prof. Dr. Radu REY, Romanian Academy - CEMONT, Romania
President of FIETI-RS
Prof. Dr. Otilia Manta, Romanian Academy, Romania
FIETI-RS 2024 June elected
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Dong, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Prof. Dr. Ovidiu Folcut, Romanian American University, Romania
Prof. Dr. Pantea Foroudi, Brunel University, London, UK
Prof. Dr. Yongji Guo, Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare, Romania
Prof. Dr. Eglantina Hysa, IRIEM and Brussels, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Rita Yi Man Li, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong
Prof. Dr. Otilia Manta, Romanian Academy, Romania
Prof. Dr. Andrei Mulic, Moldova State University, Moldova
Prof. Dr. Vera Ndrecaj, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Prof. Dr. Valentina Ndou, Università del Salento, Italy
Prof. Dr. Maria Palazzo, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome, Italy
Prof. Dr. Mirela Panait, Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti, Romania
Prof. Dr. Andra-Luisa PREDA, Romanian Academy, Romania
Acad. Prof. Dr. Radu REY, Romanian Academy - CEMONT, Romania
Prof. Dr. Chi-Wei Su, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Prof. Dr. Valentina Vasile, Romanian Academy - INE, Romania