

1-Aug-2022, The organizing committee cordially invites you to organize Special Sessions

A special session should have at least 4 manuscripts on a well-defined topic. If you are interested in organizing special sessions, please complete the proposal of the special session to conference email.
Benefits of organizing special sessions:
1. A discount for registration fee
2. Certificate of Session Chairman
3. Invitation to join the committees

28-Apr-2021, AICSconfonf 2021 conference proceeding was indexed by Ei Compendex.

Please click: Ei Compendex

30-Mar-2021, AICSconfonf 2021 conference proceeding was indexed by Scopus.

Please click: Scopus

28-Feb-2021, AICSconfonf 2021 conference proceeding was published by ACM ICPS.

Please visit: ACM Digital Library

23-Oct-2021, AICSconfonf 2021 best paper award announced.

Flood prediction and analysis on the relevance of features using explainable artificial intelligence
Prasanth Kadiyala, Sai ; Woo, Wai Lok
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Northumbria University, England, United Kingdom

23-Oct-2021, AICSconfonf 2021 was held in Bangkok, Thailand on October 21-22, 2021.

Please visit:

20-Oct-2020, AICSconfonf 2020 conference proceeding was indexed by Ei Compendex.

Please click: Ei Compendex

30-Sep-2020, AICSconfonf 2020 conference proceeding was indexed by Scopus.

Please click: Scopus

30-Aug-2020, AICSconfonf 2020 conference proceeding was published by ACM ICPS.

Please visit: ACM Digital Library

22-Aug-2020, AICSconfonf 2020 best paper award announced.

Fast AI classification for analyzing construction accidents claims
Rita Yi Man Li
Department of Economics and Finance, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, China
Herruching Li, Beiqi Tang, and Waicheung Au
HKSYU Real Estate and Economics Research Lab, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, China

22-Aug-2020, AICSconfonf 2020 was held in Wuhan, China on Aug 20-22, 2020.

Please visit: