1. About CSSS:
The 2023 2nd International Conference on Computational Social Sciences and Sustainability is the computational conference for social sciences and sustainability, which is sponsored by International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), European University Cyprus (Cyprus), International Group of Artificial Intelligence, GISMA Business School (Germany), Kozminski University (Poland), Center for Financial and Monetary Research—Victor Slăvescu of Romanian Academy (Romania), University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria (Italy), Romanian-American University (Romania), ESTG - Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal), Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan), University of Oradea (Romania), Ho Chi Minh City Open University (Viet Nam), DHA Suffa University (Pakistan), Karakoram International University (Pakistan), University of Baltistan (Pakistan), Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (Morocco), University of Information Technology and Communications (Iraq), Al Zahra College for Women (Oman), Centre for Applied Data Science (CADS) at the University of Johannesburg (UJ, South Africa), Sustainable Real Estate Research Center of Hong Kong Shue Yan University (Hong Kong, China), China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (Beijing, China). It serves as a platform to promote the exchange of the latest advances in computational theories and applications from both the research and development perspectives.
CSSS aims to have high quality oral and poster presentations. Several awards sponsored by industry and institutions will be announced, including best papers presented to all participants. Accepted papers have to be registered and presented. To further foster new emerging topics, CSSS also welcomes researchers, professors and practitioners to organize Workshops.
2. Basic Requirements:
CSSS seek proposals from individuals or teams interested in organizing workshops. A workshop proposal should provide the following information:
a. Title, scope, topics and duration (half or full day) of the workshop
b. Workshop format (papers, posters, invited speakers, etc.)
c. How is the workshop related to CSSS.
d. History of the workshop if any (organizers, where it was held, number of submissions, number of accepted papers, numbers of attendees in past years).
e. Organizing team and tentative committee lists (organizers, committee members if any, endorsement by society / college / company, etc.).
Please include a draft call for papers, if available. Please submit the proposals by email to the Workshop Chair.
3. Important Dates:
Workshop Proposals: September 16
Workshop Paper Submission Before: October 16
4. Workshop Chair
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